NY Times headline /deck: 

The Beginning of Biden’s Long Farewell

In a speech from the Oval Office, President Biden said it was time to “pass the torch to a new generation.” But he said nothing about his own age or capacity that led so many Democrats to desert him.The NY Times expanded on its institutional arrogance with Peter Baker’s “analysis” — a word used by journalists to avoid admitting that the work is opinion — of the Biden speech.

Baker is, IMO, among the worst of the worst in Big Journalism political coverage. No one has done more in recent years to normalize Trump world extremism. He was also an enthusiastic member of the Times gang, spanning the opinion and news pages, that campaigned for Biden to withdraw from the race.

His sour-grapes “analysis” tells you much more about Baker than Biden. What it tells you is that he and his publication are not only chest-thumping about Biden’s withdrawal, but have another bone to pick, namely that the president is insufficiently contrite.

Baker is apparently pissed off that Biden had the temerity not to confess to the American people the old-guy incompetence the Times made central to its case. Between Baker’s lines, Biden should also be apologizing to the Times.

Baker has been a crappy journalist for years. His piece demonstrates that he’s also a consummate jerk. Ditto for the editors who published and promoted it.

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