3 thoughts on “Weekend edition of my newsletter

  1. Two technical points:

    1) Is “Pleas register to vote” an intentional pun, or a typo?

    2) I find the layout a bit visually confusing – I’m used the header being a link to the article, and typically the title of the article itself. Here the first visual element is your “re-title” short description, and then maybe another description, until we get to the referenced article. And then it’s in a smaller font, then the article starting sentence in a smaller font yet, which make it seem minor like some sort of offhand inset.

    As to the content, well, “bless your heart”?
    (or maybe, “beatings will continue until morale improves”)

      • Well, I try not to read only things which make me happy. But it’s a fair point, on what I call negative expected value.

        I was sincerely interested in seeing your project. But I’m certainly not immune to the unhappy downsides of social media, to put it mildly.

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